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Do-It-Yourself Wellness

Tap in to your natural wellness resources with guided imagery and movement that enhance whole person well-being: body, mind, and spirit. These unusual CDs include daily self-care routines that promote a healthy lifestyle as they melt away tension and affirm your own inner wisdom.
  • Body-Image-Icon.gif
    Body Image CD $9.95Body Image MP3 Album $9.95Relaxing Breath - Track 1 (mp3) $2.00Body Sensing -Track 2 (mp3) $4.00Body Talk - Track 3 (mp3) $2.00Cleansing Breath - Track 4 (mp3) $2.00Eyes of Love - Track 5 (mp3) $2.00
  • Eating-Icon.gif
    Eating CD $9.95Eating MP3 Album $9.95Mealtime Meditation - Track 1 (mp3) $4.00Filling Your Empty Spaces - Track 2 (mp3) $4.00Mood Surfing - Track 3 (mp3) $4.00Hungers - Track 4 (mp3) $4.00
  • Relaxation Audio - Massage
    Massage CD $9.95Massage MP3 Album $9.95Pushing My Buttons - Track 1 (mp3) $4.00All Ears - Track 2 (mp3) $4.00Eye Soothers - Track 3 (mp3) $4.00Fingertip Face Massage - Track 4 (mp3) $4.00
  • Yoga-Icon.gif
    Yoga CD $9.95Yoga MP3 Album $9.95Cleansing Breath - Track 1 (mp3) $2.00Good Morning World - Track 2 (mp3) $2.00Relaxation Pose - Track 3 (mp3) $2.00Complete Humming Breath - Track 4 (mp3) $2.00Cobra - Track 5 (mp3) $2.00Seaweed and Oak - Track 6 (mp3) $2.00