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Sandra Negley

Sandra K. Negley, MTRS, CTRS, received both her bachelor and master’s degrees from the University of Utah. Her clinical practice is in mental health services with individuals of all ages, in a variety of settings: inpatient, outpatient, day treatment, and community based programs. She has served as the Director of Adolescent Services, Manager of Expressive Therapies, and founded and directed the Self-Esteem Institute for the University of Utah’s Neuropsychiatric Institute.

Sandy is an instructor at the University of Utah and co9ordinates the Therapeutic Recreation emphasis area. She is an international speaker and facilitates seminars and trainings in the areas of life balance, self-esteem, recreational therapy services and stress management, with a special interest in gender specific programming. She is the author of Crossing the Bridge . . . A Journey in Self-Esteem, Relationships and Life Balance, and has authored, edited, adapted, and consulted on a variety of therapeutic card games, board games, and books, as well as having numerous scholarly publications. However, Sandy’s greatest honor lies in the lives of her two sons.

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    Creating a Healthy Balanced Life $49.95Creating a Healthy Balanced Life: PDF eBook $29.95Creating a Healthy Balanced Life: Print & PDF eBook Bundle $59.95Creating a Healthy Balanced Life Card Deck $9.95