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Andrew Schwartz

Andrew E. Schwartz has been designing, developing and delivering management and leadership programs since 1982. He is founder and CEO of A.E. Schwartz & Associates; (http://aeschwartz.com) a comprehensive management training and leadership development organization offering over 40 skill-based programs and assorted consulting services.

No stranger to the media, Andrew has authored dozens of books, products, and articles, has appeared on numerous radio shows, and is frequently quoted in magazines and newspapers such as The Wall Street Journal, Entrepreneur Magazine, and The Boston Business Journal.

As a trainer and facilitator, Andrew conducts an average of 150 programs annually. He is hired to lead conferences and company meetings for a wide variety of industries worldwide, such as research, technology, government, Fortune 100/500 companies, and nonprofit organizations.

Andrew has started and sold several successful companies. Currently, he has six new businesses in which he gets to practice what he teaches other managers and companies on a daily basis. He has been an adjunct faculty/professor teaching business, management communication, and training at: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Emerson College, Boston College, Bryant College, Boston University, Brandeis University (Heller School of Business) and Bentley College (Meeting Management Program).