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Donna Torney

Donna Torney's Radio Interview on WPHM:

Donna Torney on Trending Today USA:

Donna Torney on WZON in Bangor, Maine:

Donna Torney, AuthorDonna Torney is a licensed psychotherapist specializing in mindfulness-based cognitive therapy.  She considers the effects of the mind on the body and the body on the mind when helping individuals work through situational challenges and everyday stress.  Donna works with many emerging adults as well as established adults who are struggling to live in our fast-paced society with more peace and less anxiety.  Trained at the University of New Hampshire during the “mindfulness revolution” – when research on the brain/body benefits of mindfulness and related contemplative practices was exploding - Donna was atthe heart of the movement.

"Mindfulness has become a bit of a buzzword lately, but I remain devoted to its transformative powers.  It is the perfect compliment to our era of accelerated change because our ancient nervous systems have not caught up yet.  As a species, we need to stay grounded - emotionally and physically - to get the most of what technology has to offer, to make choices that bring us joy, and to build community that moves us forward.  In addition to my formal education as a licensed psychotherapist, I continue to follow the latest research on contemplative practices so that I can offer my clients the most useful tools from ancient Eastern traditions, and modern Western scientific evidence proving the benefits of mindfulness, meditation and yoga. 

Just like you, I strive to live in my body and not in my head.  I do this by hiking, skiing and hanging out in the woods, and fitting in meditation and yoga when I can.  I am interested to hear how you stay mindful.  I’m the momma of two Millennials, and two younger children of a generation yet to be named.  I grew up in New Hampshire and will soon be opening a micro retreat center in the White Mountains.  I have too much energy, but I mostly put it to good use.  Fun fact: For the past 20 years I’ve lived with my husband and children in various boarding school dorms.  This, along with my parenting ups and downs and my private practice, has given me great insight into the struggles, hopes, and dreams of modern emerging adult life.

Even if you inherited a tendency to be anxious, it is your birthright to feel calm and centered.  Mindfulness and groundedness are in you, they just might be buried under “the stuff of life.”  We don’t need to spend a lot of time or resources to benefit from mindfulness practices -many of us can’t – but we do need to start somewhere.

I created mindfulhub.com to offer science-based, practical, everyday mindfulness tips for busy people and health professionals.  I look to experts like Rick Hanson, Amy Weintraub, and Bessel van Der Kolk, and organizations like the American Mindfulness Research Association when writing.  I also like to work with other clinical practitioners in the field." 

Please contact me if you are interested in my writing, having me speak to your organization, would like to learn more about individual therapy or upcoming self-designed retreats. 

I wish you twenty minutes of mindfulness every day!

Donna Torney lives and works in the Boston Area