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Kathy Cash

Kathy Cash is a registered nurse, a certified health promotion director, and a certified massage therapist with over eighteen years of health promotion experience. For fifteen of those years Kathy played an integral part in building the United States Air Force’s health promotion program. Prior to retirement, Kathy was a senior health promotion administrator for the Strategic Air Command and then the Air Combat Command. In that role, she sat on the Preventive Medicine Board of Directors for the Air Force Surgeon General. After she retired as a Lieutenant Colonel, Kathy went on to design the first Department of Defense prevention program a Fortune 500 health management organization. Kathy now lives in Edgewater, Florida, and provides professional speaking and consulting services on a wide variety of health promotion topics.

A registered nurse and certified Health Promotion Director, Kathy is also trained in total quality management theory and is one of the few wellness managers to apply these principles to health promotion programming.  She has been a frequent speaker at national wellness conferences, including the world's oldest and largest wellness association.

Kathy is currently assisting in the research for a new book on the financial implications of increasing longevity in America. She is a frequent contributing author to the Health Promotion Practitioner magazine and the Wellness Program Management Advisor newsletter.

Ms. Cash believes that over the years people lose touch with their bodies. They forget what it feels like to move freely and effortlessly. As a result, their entire interaction with the world around them is affected. Kathy provides customized services to help individuals and groups reach optimal physical and emotional performance through personalized counseling, massage services, and group seminars. She also offers health promotion managers consultation on program design and problem solving.