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Deborah Schein

Deborah L. Schein, PhD has been an early childhood educator since 1972.  She received a bachelor’s degree in psychology, a master’s degree in education with a focus on curriculum and instruction. She spent many years teaching in early childhood classrooms in urban and suburban settings, and at numerous colleges. More recently, she completed a Ph.D in early childhood education, researching a definition of spiritual development for young children. This quest began when a young child came to her excitedly holding a worm in his hand.  At this moment Deb realized that a language of spiritual development did not exist in this inner city school and possibly from most early childhood programs. 

Deborah currently works as an educational consultant and teaches early childhood graduate courses online. She also offers workshops across the country for national movements and participates in webinars about the connection between spiritual development and nature education for young children.

Deborah has co-authored three books: What’s Jewish about Butterflies, The Great Outdoors, and Nurturing Spiritual Development in Children by Understanding Our Own Spirituality. It is Deb’s goal to help others nurture the spiritual life of children.