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Stress Management: Self-Help

Stress management books

Stress is part of everyday life.  Burning the supper, living with divorce, getting a promotion, dealing with bullies, losing a child, moving, going on vacation, living alone... stress is a fact of life. 

But, contrary to popular belief, stress is not the pressure from the outside – the divorce, death, the burned supper, the vacation, the isolation.  Those are stressors.  Your response to those situations constitutes stress.  The distinction is important.  Stressors are the multitude of daily occurrences that call upon you to adapt.  Stress is your response as you attempt to make the adjustment.

How many potentially stress situations have you already adjusted to today?  Probably quite a few.  That’s why bookstores are filled with stress management books.  Many of these books, including the ones Whole Person has published, can help you manage the stress in your life.

The best stress management books contain the following:

  • Assessment tools to help you identity the current stressors in your life
  • Self-reflection activities to help you identify which stressors you are handling effectively and which ones are causing problems
  • Suggestions of coping skills that you can use to manage the stressors
  • An invitation for you to make concrete decisions and plans on how you will more effectively manage the stressors in your life.

The stress management books that Whole Person offers approach the subject from many different angles.  Kicking Your Stress Habits is a do-it-yourself guide that encourages lots of self-reflection and action planning.  Let Your Body Win: Stress Management Plain & Simple explains the physical effects of stressors, explores three main vulnerable groups, and suggests 12 “Stress Breaks” that will help you cope.  Stressed Is Desserts Spelled Backward utilizes inspirational stories around hardship and stress to help people be more optimistic about their own stressful situations.  Don’t Get Mad, Get Funny!  shows you how humor can be one of the most powerful ways to cope with stress. Sometimes you just have to lighten up.  And finally, Kicking Your Holiday Stress Habits provides a powerful message delivered in a small package.  This is one of the best stress management books out there providing excellent tips on handling the stress of holidays.