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Caregiver Resources

Caregiving can be a demanding and challenging journey, but with the right tools and resources, it can also be a fulfilling and rewarding experience. With our Caregiver Resources, we are dedicated to supporting those who are committed to helping others. Our goal is to provide guidance and practical strategies that promote resilience and sustainability in caregiving.

We believe that caregiving requires intentionality and should be grounded in values and purpose. Self-care is a critical component of caregiving, and we offer ways to ensure that it is integrated into the journey. We also recognize that caregiving often involves families and teams, and as such, we provide strategies for increasing group resilience and sustainability.

Our resources are based on extensive research, social theories, and decades of experience in caregiving. We are committed to providing sound, practical guidance that can help caregiving professionals, as well as individuals and families, navigate the demands of caregiving with more ease and joy. Whether you are new to caregiving or have been in the field for many years, our resources can help you promote your best, balanced self and make a positive impact on the lives of those you are helping.

  • Resilient and Sustainable Caring
    Resilient and Sustainable Caring $19.95Resilient and Sustainable Caring: PDF eBook $16.95Resilient and Sustainable Caring: Spanish Edition $19.95Resilient and Sustainable Caring: Spanish Edition PDF eBook $16.95
  • CompleteCaregiverMedium.gif
    The Complete Caregiver Support Guide $49.95The Complete Caregiver Support Guide: PDF eBook $29.95The Complete Caregiver Support Guide: Print & PDF eBook Bundle $59.95The Complete Caregiver Support Guide Card Deck $9.95