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How To Prepare and Deliver Dynamic Presentations

Andrew E. Schwartz

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How To Prepare and Deliver Dynamic Presentations $29.95
Adults are eager to learn information they consider to be valuable when it’s presented in an interesting manner. Selecting the right information, developing effective ways to teach it, and communicating it dynamically is the challenge all trainers face. Andrew Schwartz has designed and presented thousands of programs to groups large and small. From this wealth of experience, he has distilled the processes you need to become an excellent trainer.

Follow Andrew’s step-by-step plan to improve your own training skills and you will better understand adult learners, design more effective programs, and deliver dynamic presentations.

Novices will learn the fundamentals of classroom-style training program design, development, and implementation. Experienced trainers will assess their skills and build on their strengths. Seasoned trainers will use this manual as a resource to teach courses in training design and development and to add new spark to their ongoing work.

Designed to meet the needs of

• Health care professions
• Human resource specialists
• Corporate Trainers
• Project leaders
• Consultants
• Team leaders
• Educators

Table of Contents

Adults are Always Learning
• Characteristics of the Adult Learner
• What is Your Style of Learning
• Learning Conditions

Design Development
• Determining Goals and Expectations
• What Are You Learning
• Describing Outcomes
• Preparing a Program Outline
• Teaching Plans
• Molding and Shaping Your Program
• A Word About Testing

Stand and Deliver
• Ideally
• Meanwhile, Back in the Real World
• Effective Communication Techniques