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Guided Meditation

Beyond relaxation lies the connection between body and mind. Wellness-oriented meditation unites the physical self with inner wisdom for growth, healing, and positive life change. Guided meditations and imagery help listeners connect with their inner values and spiritual strengths. Use the meditations again and again as a guide and a catalyst for insight, centering, and balancing—or to deal with chronic pain.
  • Relaxation Audio - Healthy Balancing
    Healthy Balancing CD $9.95Healthy Balancing MP3 Album $9.95Inner Harmony - Track 1 (mp3) $5.00Regaining Equilibrium - Track 2 (mp3) $5.00
  • Spiritual-Centering-Icon.gif
    Spiritual Centering CD $9.95Spiritual Centering MP3 Album $9.95Spiritual Centering with Male Narration - Track 1 (mp3) $5.00Spiritual Centering with Female Narration - Track 2 (mp3) $5.00
  • Personal-Empowering-Icon.gif
    Personal Empowering CD $9.95Personal Empowering MP3 Album $9.95My Gifts - Track 1 (mp3) $5.00Hidden Strengths - Track 2 (mp3) $5.00
  • Mantras-Icon.gif
    Mantras CD $9.95Mantras MP3 Album $9.95Illumination - Track 1 (mp3) $5.00Transformation - Track 2 (mp3) $5.00
  • Inner-Healing-Icon.gif
    Inner Healing Album
    Average rating:
    average rating 100%
    Inner Healing CD $9.95Inner Healing MP3 Album $9.95Inner Healing - Track 1 (mp3) $5.00Peace with Pain - Track 2 (mp3) $5.00