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Successful Aging and Well-Being Workbook

Ester R.A. Leutenberg and Dr. John J. Liptak

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Successful Aging and Well-Being Workbook $49.95Successful Aging and Well-Being Workbook: PDF eBook $29.95Successful Aging and Well-Being Card Deck $9.95Successful Aging and Well-Being: Print & PDF eBook Bundle $59.95

Successful Aging and Well-Being

Facilitator Reproducible Sessions for Motivated Behavior Modification

The Successful Aging and Well-Being Workbook will help your clients enhance their existing successful aging behaviors and develop new attitudes that will improve the quality of their lives as they age. The assessments, activities, and exercises in this workbook will help your clients set effective, successful aging and well-being goals and help them move forward to living a healthy life.    

Many people focus on the negative aspects of aging rather than the positive aspects of living in the present and planning for the future. This book aims to help people explore the positive aspects of life that can make aging a more meaningful and successful experience. 

The seven sections of this workbook include:

Section 1 – Quality of Life: This chapter will help participants explore and understand the current quality of their life. Suggestions will be offered to improve their everyday life.

Section 2 – Emotional Agility: This chapter will help participants examine how they feel, how satisfied they are, and how hopeful they are about the future. Suggestions will be offered to improve their emotional well-being.

Section 3 – Healthy Lifestyle: This chapter will help participants gauge how healthy their current lifestyle is. Suggestions will be made for ensuring proper sleep, nutrition, and exercise.

Section 4 – Daily Living: This chapter will help participants explore how well they function daily. Suggestions will be offered to accentuate ways of living more effectively.

Section 5 – Sense of Humor: This chapter will help participants explore how a sense of humor and laughter can release physical, emotional, and mental health benefits for themselves and the people around them.

Section 6 – Social Connections: This chapter will help participants explore how socially active and effective they are. Suggestions will promote a healthy, nurturing network of family and friends that can be called on for support and ways to offer support to them.

Section 7 – Productive Aging: This chapter helps participants explore their use of time and how productive they feel. Suggestions will be provided to enhance work, volunteer, educational, and fun activities.

This workbook is also available in PDF eBook format, making it simple to store on your computer or mobile device and to access with a PDF viewer. The PDF format allows you to easily print copies of the activities and worksheets during therapy and counseling sessions.

All worksheets, assessments, and activities are reproducible for your convenience.

Successful Aging & Well-Being Card Deck

Need a creative way to start your session? Use the Successful Aging & Well-Being Card Deck. The open-ended questions will break the ice and stimulate conversation. Use them alone or in conjunction with the corresponding page in the book.

Sample Questions:

What physical health activities are you able to do?  How often do you do them and how beneficial are they?

In what situations are you able to laugh at yourself? In which types of situations is it harder to laugh at yourself?

In what types of work activities are you currently engaged?  Which would you like to engage in more often?

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