Mentally scan your body for tension--then discharge that tension through breathing and releasing. Let comforting relaxation spread throughout, and store this peaceful sense for "instant replay" later. Music by Steven Halpern.
Track 1: Revitalization. Images of warmth and calm encourage progressive muscle relaxation in this “any time of the day” revitalization experience. (27:27)
Track 2: Relaxation. With a sequential reflection on the day, gradually surrender accumulated tension in this “end of the day” relaxer. (28:06)
RELAX-LET GO-RELAX09/17/2018 ByGary Cork I have used the “Revitalization” relaxation exercise in many of my STRESS MANAGEMENT courses, to raving reviews! Participants hold a fingertip thermometer throughout the exercise, noting the fingertip temperature prior to the progressive relaxation exercise, and then again afterwards. They are all amazed that the vast majority of the participants see fingertip temps increase by 8-12 degrees! They finally learn that there IS something they can do to reduce the effects of stress! What a tool! Thank you!
Featured reviews:
RELAX-LET GO-RELAX09/17/2018 ByGary Cork I have used the “Revitalization” relaxation exercise in many of my STRESS MANAGEMENT courses, to raving reviews! Participants hold a fingertip thermometer throughout the exercise, noting the fingertip temperature prior to the progressive relaxation exercise, and then again afterwards. They are all amazed that the vast majority of the participants see fingertip temps increase by 8-12 degrees! They finally learn that there IS something they can do to reduce the effects of stress! What a tool! Thank you!