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Regain Control in Your Life

Dr. Michelle Scallon and Dr. John Liptak

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Regain Control in Your Life $29.95 $23.96Regain Control in Your Life: PDF eBook $19.95 $15.96

Regain Control in Your Life: Creating and Utilizing Hope for Healing

About this workbook:

Regain Control in Your Life is a complete curriculum empowering professionals to guide participants in maintaining control of their lives during and after personal or global change by cultivating hope and resilience through developing an empowering mindset and good coping strategies. Each chapter includes a therapeutic plan with goals, actions, demonstrations of learning, and tips for an effective therapeutic environment for individuals and groups. The chapters are:


  • Chapter 1: Control What You Can Control
  • Chapter 2: Develop an Empowering Mindset
  • Chapter 3: Stay Strong Through Self-Care
  • Chapter 4: Take Charge of Your Life
  • Chapter 5: Develop Hope During and After Change


Life is not always as straightforward to manage as we would like. At times, all people feel a lack of control, which can lead to feelings of hopelessness and helplessness. When people feel like they have lost control over their lives, they find themselves caught in a vicious cycle that keeps repeating:


  1. People experience a “Pivot Point” (an essential change in life).
  2. People begin to feel overwhelmed.
  3. People struggle to make effective decisions.
  4. People feel helpless and hopeless to make changes, set goals, and work to achieve them.
  5. People feel a loss of control in their lives.
  6. People feel stuck in place and do not know how to regain control of their lives.


This workbook is part of Positive Psychology – The Hope Series, a five-book series created by Dr. Michelle Scallon and Dr. John Liptak. Their Hierarchy of Hope model helps people generate hope and create a new purpose after experiencing significant or traumatic changes.


The exercises and therapeutic processes in Regain Control in Your Life  will help participants feel more in control of their world, develop goals, and increase hope to become excited about the future by making changes such as:


  • Creating and maintaining new goals.
  • Accepting and embracing change.
  • Developing effective social skills.
  • Being more mindful.
  • Seeking support in overwhelming times.
  • Practicing gratitude.


This workbook is also available in PDF eBook format, making it simple to store on your computer or mobile device and access with a PDF viewer. The PDF format allows you to easily print copies of the activities and worksheets during therapy and counseling sessions.


Regain Control Card Deck

Using the Discussion Starter Card Deck will break the ice, encourage openness, and help introduce a specific subject. Activity handouts included in these workbooks are reflective, easy-to-use exercises, presented in a variety of formats to accommodate multiple intelligences and different learning styles. Each question corresponds to a page in the workbook.

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