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Teens - Actions, Consequences and Rewards (D)

Ester R.A. Leutenberg & Carol Butler, MS Ed, RN, C

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This workbook encourages teens to stop and think before they act, consider the consequences of their actions, and capitalize on positive actions' rewards.

Often teens turn a deaf ear to warnings about consequences. Their sense of invincibility says, "It won't happen to me." When you add to the mix of adolescent hormones, the quest for excitement, the chemistry of romance, and self-esteem issues, forethought goes out the window.

So what will encourage teens to stop and think? Perhaps knowing that self-directed thoughts, decisions, and actions will produce real rewards.

The activities in this workbook will help teens consider the following goals before acting:

  • Make decisions based on probable outcomes versus immediate gratification
  • Uncover hidden consequences and rewards
  • Discover healthy vs. unhealthy risks
  • Define safe risks
  • Avoid preventable dangers
  • Handle difficult circumstances
  • Work toward authentic rewards

The first activity in the workbook asks teens to create a My Actions Book – a 3-ring binder to organize their handouts, artwork, journaling, and other creations. It's a great way to track their progress and review what they've learned later.

The seven chapters include the following:

  1. Healthy and Unhealthy Risks
  2. Decisions
  3. Types of Consequences and Rewards
  4. Danger
  5. Attributes
  6. Circumstances
  7. Rewards
8 1/2"x11"
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