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Teen Choices Workbook (D)

Ester R.A. Leutenberg and Dr. John J. Liptak

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Life is about making choices. Today’s teens live in a far more challenging atmosphere than past generations, facing many important decisions that positively and negatively affect their growth and development. Their success in life results from the choices they make as they mature and those they will make in the future.

Choices allow teens to change how they are currently living (if they are not happy where they are) or continue to live responsibly by making even more effective choices. During adolescence, making effective independent choices is often a point of contention between teens and adults (parents, teachers, grandparents, etc.). As teens mature, they face increasing demands to learn to make choices more independently and to take more responsibility for their own choices.

Teen Choices Workbook contains five separate sections to help participants learn more about choices they have made and choices they have yet to make in their lives:

  • Teen Action Choices helps teens analyze the factors that primarily influence their decisions and define how effectively they use their time.
  • Teen Relationships Choices helps teens examine how they make choices about acquaintances, friends, best friends, and dating friends.
  • Teen Cultural Differences helps teens explore how accepting and receptive they are to people different from themselves.
  • Teen “Not-So-Great” Choices helps teens reconsider the choices they made in the past that were not successful and outline more effective decision-making techniques.
  • Teen Risk-Taking Behavior helps teens investigate both the positive and the adverse risks they have taken and discover ways to choose healthy risks.

The Teen Choices Workbook can be used independently or as an integrated curriculum. Assessments and journaling exercises may be used effectively with individuals or a group. The following tools are in each section:

  • Assessment instruments
  • Activity handouts
  • Quotations
  • Reflective questions for journaling
  • Educational handouts

This workbook is also available in PDF eBook format, making it simple to store on your computer or mobile device and to access with a PDF viewer. The PDF format allows you to easily print copies of the activities and worksheets during therapy and counseling sessions.

Teen-Choices-Card-Deck.gifTeen Choices Card Deck

Need a creative way to start your session? Use the Teen Choices Card Deck. The open-ended questions will break the ice and stimulate conversation. Use them alone or in conjunction with the corresponding page in the book.

Sample Questions:
In what ways are you a creative person? If you wish, ask for a volunteer in the room who is creative. Ask: How do you use your creativity?
How can you nurture a relationship to be sure it will last a long time?
What is a choice you need to make in the near future? How will others be affected by your decision?
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