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Playful Activities for Powerful Presentations (D)

Bruce Williamson Be the first one to write a review
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Unleash the power of play in your workshops

Spice up your presentations with healthy laughter as you get your audience involved. No matter your subject, the 40 creative energizers outlined in Playful Activities for Powerful Presentations will enhance learning, stimulate communication, promote teamwork, and reduce resistance to group interaction. Participants will effortlessly absorb your message as they relax and experience spontaneity, wonder, discovery, delight, laughter, and play.

These potent but light-hearted activities help the inexperienced presenter develop skills as a workshop leader, save time and effort for the seasoned group leader, and be an inspiration to everyone. Use Playful Activities to make your presentations more powerful and productive.

In the Introduction, Bruce defines the book's purpose as "to help facilitators and group leaders create dynamic and healthy playgrounds where participants can freely and safely explore, rediscover, and experience the power of play."

Many of us have lost touch with the valuable childlike qualities of play. We become disinterested, rigid, and even cynical. We lock away our child selves and abandon them for various reasons, ranging from personal traumas we experienced as children to cultural messages we believe in as adults. We talk to ourselves in a negative adult voice, telling ourselves that it is wrong to act silly or laugh and play too much. It's hard for us to hear the voice or feel the persistent tug of the small child selves within us who want (and need) our adult selves to take a break from working so much, go outside, and learn how to play again.

The materials in Playful Activities are recipes for a cookbook of play. Each one is structured in the same way and is easy to follow.

Play can:

• Increase happiness
• Relieve tension and stress
• Foster learning and creativity
• Enhance bonds with real children
• Reactivate the sense of wonder
• Improve communication with others

What participants say about Bruce’s workshops:

“It’s amazing how much you can learn by having fun.”

“We learn and love best when we first open ourselves up with joy and laughter.”

“This has given me renewed enthusiasm for what education should be about. Evolving – not shoveling in.”