Guided Imagery with Children
A remarkable resource for parents and teachers
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Do you have a disruptive child in class or at home--a child who neglects homework, comes unprepared for school, fails to finish assignments, vies for attention, fights with other kids, and acts as the class clown?
If everything you’ve tried has failed, why not try something different? Guided visualization with children is a new approach that brings proven results. Children who see themselves as failures are guided to transform negative images into positive ones. In this way, they can successfully reverse many years of discouragement and disillusionment.
Guided visualization takes little time to learn, and results are almost immediate. Just minutes a day can make a significant improvement in the classroom or at home and save your sanity.
Guided Imagery With Children is a complete handbook which teaches you how to reduce:
- Disruptive student behaviors
- Failing grades
- Low self-esteem
- Antisocial conduct and poor self-control
- Lack of responsibility
Creating in their place:
- A calm classroom/home environment
- Motivated, self-confident, resourceful students
- More time on task
- Improved grades
Table of Contents
- What is guided imagery?
- The nature of children
- How to use this book
- Three-week calendar cycle
Discovering the Self
- Who are you?
- How do you feel about yourself in relationship to others?
- Giant and dwarf series
- Mountain series
- Planet series
- The Garden of Eden series
- The withdrawn child
- Self-esteem
- Making consistent efforts toward goals
- Inner resources
- Do you love yourself?
Connecting with Others
- Getting along with siblings
- Making friends
- Attracting attention negatively
- Bullying and being bullied
Succeeding in School
- Sharpening memory
- Improving school grades
- Developing patience and stick-to-it-iveness
- Prioritizing and putting things in place
- Curbing and controlling impulsiveness
- Eliminating distraction
Getting in Touch with Your Inner Guide
- Conquering fear
- Entering into the fear
- Finding light through the fear
- The negative emotions of frustration and anger
- Letting go of guilt
- Forgiving others and yourself
- Sharpening and shaping intuition
- Developing the inner conscience
Exploring Your Unique Self
- Colors
- Shapes
- Hats
- Masks
- Characters
- Up and down
- Animals
Creating the World You Want
- Exploring all sides of power
- Becoming the king or queen of oneself
- How you use your power and autonomy
- Taking charge
- Self-confidence
- The opening bud series
- Creating the world you want
- At the sea series
What Other Teachers Are Saying
The projects you designed for the students left lasting impressions on them. From time to time, when they feel themselves out of control, they do remember to “put on their good masks or self-control masks.” One student, Ali, especially remembers which, in turn, sets off the whole class. When their peers ask the class to put on a mask, the students respond better then when I ask.
Amy Cohn
Daily Imaging
We begin each day with an imagery exercise. We image our day, activity by activity, the way we would like it to be. For example, we see ourselves doing what we need to do to learn math better. We see ourselves at play time being the kind of person we want to be. The tone and atmosphere is quite calm in our room. I feel more peaceful, patient, relaxed, and happy. This is an excellent tool for the classroom teacher.
Kathleen Lohse