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Kicking Your Stress Habits (D)

Donald A. Tubesing, PhD

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Kicking Your Stress Habits

A do-it-yourself guide for coping with stress

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You run out of orange juice, you forget to mail a letter, the cat has kittens on Aunt Dorothy’s handmade quilt—and you adapt with one of your familiar coping skills. Usually, the skill works so well that you don’t even label these events as stressful.

Give yourself an “A” for coping successfully 98% of the time!

Unfortunately, the remaining 2% is probably causing 98% of your distress. When your stress habits have stuck you in a rut, when your old reliable coping remedies no longer work, when stop-gap measures turn into long-term energy wasters – then it’s time to develop some new stress skills.

Tackle your “terrible 2%” with Kicking Your Stress Habits. A workshop-in-a-book, it guides you through the process of learning new methods to deal with your stress to add to the tried-and-true arsenal you’ve used for years. Stories of real people coping with real life illustrate forms of stress. “Stop and Reflect” sections help you look at your situation and develop effective coping strategies. You will create a ten-step program custom designed for you and your life to cope with your unique stressors.

Table of Contents

• Stress Ills or Stress Skills - Questions and answers about stress
• Perception and Stress – How you stress yourself
• Beliefs and Stress – You become what you believe
• Stress and Change – Regulating the rate of change in your life
• Stress and Life Stages – The terrible 2’s, 22’s, 32’s, 42’s . . .
• Stress and Grief – It’s tough tot let go
• Stress and Life Rhythm – Marching to your own drummer
• Skills for Managing stress – Identifying your coping patterns
• Personal Management Skills – Strategy #1: Organize yourself
• Relationship Skills – Strategy #2: Change the scene
• Outlook skills – Strategy #3: Change you mind
• Physical Stamina Skills – Strategy #4: Building up your strength
• Assessing Your Coping Habits – An inventory of stress skills
• The End of the Beginning – Forming you action plan
• Bibliography – Further resources on stress management

What others are saying
Dr. Tubesing’s simply written self-help guide helps you get to the roots of your stress reactions and modify them.

The New York Times

I found it to be well-written, containing concise, helpful aids in dealing with stress…

Hana Selye, MD, PhD, DSc
author of Stress without Distress
The Stress of Life

…a simple system for creative management of stress.

Reader’s Digest

The stress expert who does not take spiritual factors seriously is short-changing the reader in search of help. Tubesing maturely insists on the need for such wrestling with the spiritual dimensions.

Granger E Westberg, MDivd, DD
author of Good Grief Minister and Doctor Meet