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Maintain Positive Healthy Relationships in Your Life

Maintain Positive Healthy Relationships in Your Life

Dr. Michelle Scallon and Dr. John Liptak

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Maintain Positive Healthy Relationships in Your Life $29.95Maintain Positive Healthy Relationships in Your Life: PDF eBook $19.95

Maintain Positive, Healthy Relationships in Your Life: Creating and Utilizing Hope for Healing

About this workbook:

Maintain Positive, Healthy Relationships in Your Life is a complete curriculum empowering professionals to guide participants toward maintaining relationships that promote social and emotional intelligence, collaboration, and mutual support. Each chapter includes a therapeutic plan with goals, actions, demonstrations of learning, and tips for an effective therapeutic environment for individuals and groups. The chapters are:


  • Chapter 1: Creative, Healthy Conflict in Positive Relationships
  • Chapter 2: Emotional Connections in Positive Relationships
  • Chapter 3: Remote Communications in Positive Relationships
  • Chapter 4: Creative Communication in Positive Relationships
  • Chapter 5: Value Diversity in Positive Relationships


Utilizing the exercises and processes in this workbook, you can help your clients develop critical skills for healthy relationships:


Communication: People in healthy relationships need to be able to communicate their needs, feelings, philosophies, and opinions.

Trust: People in healthy relationships must develop confidence that disclosed information will be kept confidential.

Honesty: People in healthy relationships should be honest and authentic with each other.

Support: People in healthy relationships support each other in times of hardship.

Listening: People in healthy relationships listen deeply to each other and seek meaning behind what is spoken.


This workbook is part of Positive Psychology – The Hope Series, a five-book series created by Dr. Michelle Scallon and Dr. John Liptak. Their Hierarchy of Hope model helps people generate hope and create a new purpose after experiencing significant or traumatic changes.


Maintain Positive, Healthy Relationships in Your Life helps participants cultivate positive relationships that provide the following hope-related benefits:


  • They help people learn critical social and emotional intelligence skills.
  • They provide experiences related to both joy and despair.
  • They promote professional growth in work-related situations.
  • They encourage collaboration in problem-solving.
  • They ensure a balanced approach to life.
  • They satisfy a need for support and motivation in challenging times.
  • They accentuate resilience and help people fight stress.
  • They promote a sense of joy and well-being.


This workbook is also available in PDF eBook format, making it simple to store on your computer or mobile device and access with a PDF viewer. The PDF format allows you to easily print copies of the activities and worksheets during therapy and counseling sessions.


Maintain Positive, Healthy Relationships Card Deck

Using the Discussion Starter Card Deck will break the ice, encourage openness, and help introduce a specific subject. Activity handouts included in these workbooks are reflective, easy-to-use exercises, presented in a variety of formats to accommodate multiple intelligences and different learning styles. Each question corresponds to a page in the workbook.

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