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Discovering Your Spiritual Path Workbook

Ester R.A. Leutenberg and Dr. John J. Liptak

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Discovering Your Spiritual Path Workbook $49.95Discovering Your Spiritual Path Workbook: PDF eBook $29.95Discovering Your Spiritual Path: Print & PDF eBook Bundle $59.95Discovering Your Spiritual Path Card Deck $9.95

Spiritual Path

Discovering Your Spiritual Path Workbook will help you, as a professional, to guide your participants to the possibilities of spirituality and its benefits. It will help you address a sensitive topic, so complex and immense, without appearing overly simplistic, condescending, incomplete, or confusing.

People on a spiritual path lead more healing, enriching, enlightening, peace-filled lives. While writing this workbook, the authors interviewed over one hundred people of many different faiths and economic backgrounds. They spoke to people of varied ages, genders, sexual orientations, cultures, nationalities, and religions. They were privileged to discuss the topic with believers, non-believers, and clergy of almost every faith.

Spirituality is a critical component of the overall concept of wellness. Spiritual wellness is a process of getting in touch with your inner self by exploring the spiritual themes in your life and thereby discovering your spiritual ideas and understandings. One of the goals of this workbook is to open participants to the possibilities of spirituality and its benefits and to either start them on their spiritual path or assist them in enriching their current spiritual path.

Discovering Your Spiritual Path contains five separate sections and a concluding chapter to help participants learn more about themselves and their spiritual natures. They will learn about the importance of spirituality, their ability to integrate spirituality into their everyday lives, and tools and techniques to enhance their spiritual awareness.

  • Forgiveness and Acceptance helps individuals explore their ability to forgive themselves and forgive other people.
  • Connecting with Others helps individuals explore the strength of their characteristics related to connecting with others.
  • Spiritual Living helps individuals identify how effectively they integrate spiritual themes into their daily lives.
  • Personal Centering helps individuals explore their use of the various spiritual disciplines for finding peace and centering themselves, even when facing life’s challenges.
  • Spiritual Awareness helps individuals explore how aware they are of their spiritual nature
  • The last chapter helps individuals process what they have learned from the workbook.

The five sections of Discovering Your Spiritual Path serve as avenues for individual self-reflection and group experiences revolving around identified topics of importance. Each assessment includes directions for easy administration, scoring, and interpretation and provides exploratory activities, reflective journaling activities, related quotations, and educational handouts. All materials can help participants discover their spirituality using a variety of techniques.

This workbook is also available in PDF eBook format, making it simple to store on your computer or mobile device and to access with a PDF viewer. The PDF format allows you to easily print copies of the activities and worksheets during therapy and counseling sessions.

Discovering-Your-Spiritual-Path-Card-Deck.gifDiscovering Your Spiritual Path Card Deck

Need a creative way to start your session? Use the Discovering Your Spiritual Path Card Deck. The open-ended questions will break the ice and stimulate conversation. Use them alone or in conjunction with the corresponding page in the book.

Sample Questions:

Ask group their definition of forgiveness. Afterward, offer this: Forgiveness is a decision to let go of resentments, thoughts of anger, and revenge for an offense committed against you or one you committed to yourself and others.

What would you say are your most effective ways of connecting with other people?                        

Mindfulness is about staying in the present.  What activities do you perform without thinking about them?


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