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Cultivate Hope and Engagement in Your Life Cover

Cultivate Hope and Engagement in Your Life

Dr. Michelle Scallon and Dr. John Liptak

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Cultivate Hope and Engagement in Your Life $29.95 $20.97Cultivate Hope and Engagement in Your Life: PDF eBook $19.95 $13.97

Cultivate Hope and Engagement in Your Life is a complete curriculum empowering professionals to guide participants toward flourishing through engaging in passions related to work, hobbies, family time, and community welfare. Each chapter includes a therapeutic plan with goals, actions, demonstrations of learning, and tips for an effective therapeutic environment for individuals and groups. The chapters are:


  • Chapter 1: Engage Using Your Right Brain
  • Chapter 2: Engage Your Feelings Through Fashion
  • Chapter 3: Engage With Your Goals
  • Chapter 4: Engage Through Motivated Passion
  • Chapter 5: Engage Through Enhanced Flow


This workbook is part of Positive Psychology – The Hope Series, a five-book series created by Dr. Michelle Scallon and Dr. John Liptak. Their Hierarchy of Hope model helps people generate hope and create a new purpose after experiencing significant or traumatic changes. This workbook explores the components of engagement that enhance flow and increase joy, through questions such as:


  • What skills and talents can I develop that will lead to greater hope?
  • How can I identify and develop what I excel at and love?
  • What activities can help me reach my full potential?
  • What activities can I pursue that will lead to a path of hope?


Cultivate Hope and Engagement Card Deck

Using the Discussion Starter Card Deck will break the ice, encourage openness, and help introduce a specific subject. Activity handouts included in these workbooks are reflective, easy-to-use exercises, presented in a variety of formats to accommodate multiple intelligences and different learning styles. Each question corresponds to a page in the workbook.

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