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The Conflict Management Skills Workbook

Ester R.A. Leutenberg and Dr. John J. Liptak

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The Conflict Management Skills Workbook $49.95The Conflict Management Skills Workbook: PDF eBook $29.95Conflict Management Skills: Print & PDF eBook Bundle $59.95Conflict Management Card Deck $9.95

Conflict Management

Conflict is a basic fact of life. Because conflicts are disagreements resulting from people or groups having differences in attitudes, beliefs, values, or needs, conflict is inevitable. Conflict itself is not bad as long as the conflict is managed effectively.

The Conflict Management Skills Workbook includes self-assessments, exercises, and journaling activities that will take participants through a unique negotiation model. This model helps participants learn about their beliefs surrounding conflict, identify their preferred style for managing conflict, examine active listening skills, identify the situations that trigger conflict, and recognize their negotiation style for what they want and need.

Divided into five sections, participants look at:

  • Beliefs about conflict
  • Conflict management styles
  • Listening for meaning
  • Hot buttons
  • Negotiation style

Each section serves as an avenue for individual self-reflection and group experiences revolving around identified topics of importance. Each assessment includes directions for easy administration, scoring, and interpretation. Also included are exploratory activities, reflective journaling activities, and educational handouts to help participants discover their habitual effective and ineffective conflict management skills. Finally, instruction is provided for enhancing participants' most critical weaknesses when attempting to prevent or resolve real-life conflicts.

This workbook is also available in PDF eBook format, making it simple to store on your computer or mobile device and to access with a PDF viewer. The PDF format allows you to easily print copies of the activities and worksheets during therapy and counseling sessions.


Conflict-Management-Card-Deck.gifConflict Management Skills Card Deck

Need a creative way to start your session? Use the Conflict Management Skills Card Deck. The open-ended questions will break the ice and stimulate conversation. Use them alone or in conjunction with the corresponding page in the book.

Sample Questions:

How can two people in conflict can come up with a mutually agreed upon solution? How do they go about it?

What are some of the ways you can let the other person know you heard and understand what they said?

Being true to your values is critical in negotiating.  What is one of your most cherished values? Ask others in the room.    

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