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Coping with Change Workbook

Coping with Change Workbook

Ester R.A. Leutenberg and Dr. John J. Liptak

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Coping with Change Workbook $39.95Coping with Change Workbook: PDF eBook $19.95Coping with Change: Print & PDF eBook Bundle $49.95Coping with Change Card Deck $9.95


Facilitator Reproducible Guided Self-Exploration Activities

In today’s society, many people experience multiple, extensive, often debilitating changes in their lives. Change manifests itself in many facets of a person’s life, including workplace, health, home and family, and social network.

Although change has always been a part of the lives of human beings, the rate of this change is increasing exponentially, increasing the stress in people’s lives. Change does not stop and must be managed carefully to avoid elevated stress levels over extended periods. The ability to cope with change is rapidly becoming a critical life skill that can be the difference between living a life of success or one of disappointment.

The Coping with Change Workbook contains assessments and guided self-exploration activities that can be used with various populations to help participants cope more effectively with the various forms of change. Each chapter begins with an annotated Table of Contents with notes and examples for the facilitator. Each chapter contains two primary elements:

  1. A set of assessments to help participants gather information about themselves in a focused situation, and

  2. A set of guided self-exploration activities to help participants process information and learn more effective ways of behaving to cope with change in their lives.

The activities are divided into four chapters to help you identify and select assessments easily and quickly:

Chapter 1: Types of Change helps participants identify and explore the changes that are currently occurring in their lives and identify and explore the changes they anticipate in the future.
Chapter 2: Change Management helps participants identify the life skills they possess in managing the change in their lives.
Chapter 3: Ways to Cope with Change helps participants explore how well they cope with change in their lives and learn techniques to enhance their ability to cope with change.
Chapter 4: My Attitude helps participants explore their attitudes related to future change in their lives.

All guided activities are fully reproducible for use with your clients/participants.

This workbook is also available in PDF eBook format, making it simple to store on your computer or mobile device and access with a PDF viewer. The PDF format allows you to easily print copies of the activities and worksheets during therapy and counseling sessions.

Coping-with-Change-Card-Deck.gifCoping with Change Card Deck

Need a creative way to start your session? Use the Coping with Change Card Deck. The open-ended questions will break the ice and stimulate conversation. Use them alone or in conjunction with the corresponding page in the book.

Sample Questions:

What type of change have you recently experienced in your personal life? Describe how you feel about the change and how you are handling it.

What are some of the characteristics of an optimistic person?

Do you have a role model who made a change in his/her life and managed the change well? What change was made and how did the person manage it?

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