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Working with Groups on Spiritual Themes

Elaine Hopkins, RN, C; Zo Woods, RN, BSN; Russell Kelley, RN, C; Katrina Bentley, RN, PhD; and James Murphy, MA, Chaplain
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Working with Groups on Spiritual Themes $19.95Working with Groups on Spiritual Themes Digital Worksheet Masters $12.95
Working with Groups on Spiritual Themes is a how-to guide to help people talk about spiritual issues safely and without offense. It is a perfect tool for counselors, trainers, educators, clergy, and health-care professionals. It is appropriate for a variety of audiences in a multitude of settings. The concepts can be applied to groups or individuals. The usual spiritual awareness group meets for an hour or so, once a week with a focus on open discussion of spiritual issues.

When asked why these groups are so successful, the authors said they believe that too often there is little time or attention paid to the spiritual aspect of our lives in our fast-paced society. Using a group format to explore spiritual issues provides time for participants to reflect on various life themes and to search for meaning and purpose. It provides the opportunity for an individual to affirm a sense of community by sharing beliefs, values, and needs with others.

The spirituality group is a time for participants to discover sources of inner strength, and ultimately, a place to find hope. Additionally, spirituality groups acknowledge the wholeness of body, mind, emotions, and spirit, and permit an opportunity for expression of the spiritual aspects of our nature. The group format provides affirmation and validation that an individual cannot receive alone.

Hopkins, Woods, Kelley, Bentley & Murphy
Working with Groups on Spiritual Themes

Table of Contents

Section I: Working With Spiritual Awareness Groups
• Adapting The Sessions to Your Group
• Spiritual Awareness Exercises
• Definitions
• How to Prepare for Leading the Group
• Leading the Group Process
• Additional Tips for Leading Discussion
• The Evaluation

Section II: Supplementary Group Processes
• Quick Questions
• Quieting Visualization
• Word Wisdom
• Word Flower
• Models and Heroes
• Favorite Sayings
• Key Experiences
• Group Poetry
• Journaling

Section III: Spiritual Awareness Exercises
• Growing Spiritually

o Spiritual Assessment
o Spirituality
o Faith
o Meaning and Purpose
o Peace
o Peace During Adversity
o Hope versus Despair
o God’s Presence

• Values

o Personal Values I
o Personal Values II
o Freedom and Patriotism
o Work
o Money
o Honesty
o Responsibilities

• Creativity And Wonder

o Senses
o Wonder and Miracles
o Pathways to Wisdom
o Finding Meaning in Suffering
o Creativity
o Wisdom

• Relationships

o Self-Concept
o Men’s Issues
o Women’s Issues
o Intimacy
o Divorce
o Love
o Spiritual Support

• Life Review

o Life Experiences Review
o Skills, Talents, Virtues
o Transition and Change
o Coping with Loss
o Healthy Traits of Aging
o Maturity and Knowledge
o Legacy
o Afterlife

• Ceremonies

o Guilt and Forgiveness
o Prayer and Meditation
o Symbols and Rituals

• Supplementary Group Processes

o Dealing with Difficult Issues
o Adapting the Group for the Cognitively Impaired
o Group Observation Questions
o Selected Bibliography

Also available: Reproducible Digital Worksheet Masters (PDF) (only available with purchase of book)
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average rating 60%
1 reviews

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Featured reviews:

average rating 60%
Working with Groups on Spiritual Themes 05/28/2015
By Janet Young
As a chaplain, I find this an excellent resource for leading Spirituality groups. The topics covered are insightful and relate to the groups I lead in a tertiary care psychiatric hospital. I tend to use it as a resource and create my own program based on their suggestions. We often create a group poster that can be hung on the wall to share the participants' wisdom and encourage other inpatients to nurture their spirituality

Featured reviews:

average rating 60%
Working with Groups on Spiritual Themes 05/28/2015
By Janet Young
As a chaplain, I find this an excellent resource for leading Spirituality groups. The topics covered are insightful and relate to the groups I lead in a tertiary care psychiatric hospital. I tend to use it as a resource and create my own program based on their suggestions. We often create a group poster that can be hung on the wall to share the participants' wisdom and encourage other inpatients to nurture their spirituality