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Creative Planning for the Second Half of Life

Burton Kreitlow, PhD, and Doris Kreitlow, MS

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Creative Planning for the Second Half of Life $19.95Creative Planning For The Second Half of Life Digital Worksheet Masters $12.95
Teach midlife folk how to set lifestyle goals and make plans to meet them.

The average American who retires at age 65 can expect to live at least another 20 years!

Believing retirement is a journey, not a destination, the Kreitlows developed 29 fun and creative structured exercises to help group leaders guide people middle-aged and older in setting goals and making lifestyle choices for the best half of life.

The tools you need to make a presentation on aging, lead a retirement group, conduct a pre-retirement workshop, or develop a full-fledged program are right at your finger-tips.

• Facts and principles about retirement and aging to help spark creative thinking and problem solving.
• Case studies of successful retirees and advice from veteran second-half-of-lifers provide ideas for stimulating retirement careers.
• Assessment tools, reproducible worksheets, and group activities enable participants to learn by doing.

Shatter myths of aging, put retirement in perspective, and help mid-lifers to:

• Gain self-understanding
• Assess retirement needs and goals
• Plan for future housing, health care, and financial needs
• Adjust to and plan for lifestyle and spiritual changes
• Pursue rewarding retirement careers
• Examine changing relationships with spouse, family, and friends
• Discover the nine characteristics of happy retirees
• Identify challenging new opportunities for service
Also available: Reproducible Digital Worksheet Masters (PDF) (only available with purchase of book)