Tag Archives: mental health professional

Help Clients Find Mental Health Care

How can mental health care professionals help folks in need of care find it?
How do you help them find you?

As part of Mental Health Awareness Month (May 2016) it might be useful to look at how professionals let those in search of mental health care know they are available. Here are some tips that sound effective. Do you use any of these techniques? Do you they work for your practice? If they don’t, what do you think will work?

Let us know your thoughts in the comment box at the bottom of the page. I’ll gather the comments together and post them.

  • Have a well-developed website including a page to help people find what they need. Click here for a good example.
  • Have a presence on social media sites such as Facebook, twitter, and others.
  • Be part of local online listings.
  • Join local professional organizations so that your name and specialty will be easily found by those searching for help.
  • Train your phone answering staff to ask the right questions and empower them with as many answers as possible. Be sure they know where to forward the call if it isn’t your area of expertise.
  • Give back to your community in any way you can so that folks get to know about you, what you do, and what your passions are.
  • Interact with local shelters to reach out to those using their facilities.
  • Learn how to respond to disasters and work away from your office. When disasters strike, make sure those in charge know you are ready to respond and will provide emotional first aid, but don’t go unless you are asked.
  • Offer to write a column or occasional article for the local paper and magazine.

I look forward to hearing your thoughts on what you have found the best ways to reach those searching for good mental health care.