Dear Friends:
As a thank you to our loyal customers, our special this month is 25% discount on all our products*. Year-end is a great time to take stock of the materials you have and order new ones. Simply enter DECEMBER (expires 12/2010) in the coupon code as you check out, and the discount will automatically be applied.
The Ready-to-Run Workshops are now available in two formats: Print version and as an E-book. We’ll be expanding E-book offerings over the next year. Stay tuned!
Don’t forget to check out the website. Navigation buttons have been moved to the right of the home page for easier access. Many products now allow you a look inside the cover. New articles are posted to the blog regularly, special deals are in the clearance room, and, of course, you can order our monthly specials with a couple of quick clicks.
We at Whole Person Associates wish you and yours a joy-filled holiday season!
Carlene Sippola
*Excluding Kicking Your Holiday Stress Habits and The Mental Health & Life Skills Collection.
Offer not valid with any other offer.


Bonus Special!
50% discount.
Check our website for details.

Visit our website for over 200 training, self-help, therapeutic and workshop development resources. Click here.
Whole Person Associates
210 W. Michigan St.
Duluth MN 55802
800-247-6789 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 800-247-6789 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
218-727-0505 (Fax)
Three ways to order
Go to our website and order online. Click here.
Call us toll free at 800-247-6789 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 800-247-6789 end_of_the_skype_highlighting. Our expert staff can answer your questions and take your order.
Send your order via snail mail.
December Special!
25% discount on all Whole Person Products.
Start out the new year with exciting new tools. Stock up now on professional resources in stress management, wellness promotion, relaxation, self-help, mental health activity books, coaching, and much more.
Offer excludes Kicking Your Holiday Stress Habits and the Mental Health & Life Skills Collection.
As a thank you to our loyal customers, our special this month is 25% discount on all our products*. Year-end is a great time to take stock of the materials you have and order new ones. Simply enter DECEMBER in the coupon code as you check out, and the discount will automatically be applied.
The Ready-to-Run Workshops are now available in two formats: Print version and as an E-book. We’ll be expanding E-book offerings over the next year. Stay tuned!
Don’t forget to check out the website. Navigation buttons have been moved to the right of the home page for easier access. Many products now allow you a look inside the cover. New articles are posted to the blog regularly, special deals are in the clearance room, and, of course, you can order our monthly specials with a couple of quick clicks.
We at Whole Person Associates wish you and yours a joy-filled holiday season!
Carlene Sippola
*Excluding Kicking Your Holiday Stress Habits and The Mental Health & Life Skills Collection.
Offer not valid with any other offer.
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