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Let Your Body Win: Stress Managment Plain and Simple - Reviews

Let Your Body Win: Stress Managment Plain and Simple

average rating 100%
A stress 'self-defense' manual 01/15/2020
By Warren S.
This book will not only help you identify stresses in your life, but more importantly, help you with developing practical strategies in managing and potentially eliminating these stresses. The book identifies the hormone cortisol as the body's secret assassin which figures so prominently in causing damage from stress. The author identifies the 3 most vulnerable groups to stress, outlines how stress can hurt you, and provides a dozen strategies to deal with stress (Stress Breaks). There is a very revealing 62 item Stress Symptom Assessment which will help determine your risk of developing damaging health issues. The book is all about helping you prevent these serious illnesses. If you are already suffering from the negative effects of stress, the book will help put you on the road to recovery. As someone who is facing a stressful life event, I highly recommend Ms. Ferguson's book. Its strategies are definitely working for me.
Let Your Body Win - Stress Management Books Let Your Body Win: Stress Managment Plain and Simple Price: $16.95