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Discussion Starter Card Deck Library - Reviews

Discussion Starter Card Deck Library

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Card Deck Library Discussion Starter Card Deck Library Price: $885.55 On Sale! $442.78

All 89 of our facilitator resource books have a corresponding Discussion Starter Card Deck you can use with groups or individuals to:

• Break the ice
• Encourage discussion
• Introduce the topic
• Promote self-reflection

Our card decks are some of the most versatile counseling/therapy tools out there. You can use the cards with individuals or in a group setting. They represent a non-threatening way to encourage thinking and discussion with your client(s). We have developed a card deck for all of our workbooks. The authors have written open ended questions that correspond to a specific topic and page in the book. Some practitioners just use the card decks and others start with some questions and then move on to more in-depth activities in the workbook. Each question lists the corresponding page number in the workbook for your convenience.

The Discussion Starter Card Deck Library contains all 83 Card Decks from our product line. When you purchase the entire Discussion Starter Card Deck Library, you save 50%!